
A Day with YRDP


Today provided us with the opportunity to connect with YRDP (Youth Resource Development Program) in Phnom Penh. We began our day with them at the YRDP office, but it was not long before we all piled into the van for another road trip... this time to the village of Chromeang Chas, about 65 km from Phnom Penh. (Now, many of you Canadians may be thinking “why that's a mere half-hour of driving”, but not so in Cambodia. Factoring in Phnom Penh early morning traffic, road construction, and pot-holed dirt roads, we arrived at our destination 2 hours later!)

The work that YRDP is doing in Chromeang Chas tells us a different story than any other so far in our Cambodian experience. Before YRDP and its core group of students became involved, this community was plagued by robbery, domestic violence, illegal fishing practices, etc. Thanks to a dedicated group of university students and staff at YRDP (led by Director Cheang Sokha), the village members and the commune council for the area are now working together to address the various social and economic challenges facing them. It is truly a success story.

A few hours later, back at the YRDP office in Phnom Penh, we learned about the many programs that YRDP have on the go, including a Training Unit and a Youth in Action initiative. YRDP certainly has their work cut out for them when it comes to training students through Paolo Freire methodologies and empowering youth to think critically and speak up for transparency of the government in the area of extractive industries. But, after meeting with a small group of these activist students at the office, I'm convinced they are ready and willing to take on the challenge!

YRDP builds confidence in youth by strengthening their critical thinking skills and empowering them to actively participate in building a culture of peace, justice and sustainable development in Cambodia.
by Kathy Nolan

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